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Coneflower _ Voorheis.jpg

Give in Honor or Memory

Remember a loved one or honor your nature loving friend by making a donation in their name.

Snow white deer _ Kensington Metropark.jpg
Sandhill crane _ Kensington.jpg
Buck _ Johnson Nature Center.jpg
Bald eagle _ Howell Nature Center_edited

Commemorate someone special.



The act of donating in someone's memory or honor is a powerful way to celebrate them and the nature they love. These people have often touched our lives and enhanced the world around them.

Let us know who you would like to donate in honor or memory by checking the box underneath the donation amounts. Simply enter their name and an address of where to send acknowledgement. 

If you would like to inform your community to donating in your honor you may send them the link to this webpage or call the BHHC office for additional support, 248-795-2808.

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