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Special Projects

Preserving nature is an ongoing task. Between controlling invasive species, promoting native habitats, and maintaining proper access, our work is always far from finished. Below you will find some of our ongoing projects and what they entail.

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Your Impact

1550 Acres preserved.  
7 Public Preserves created. 
4 headwaters protected. 

We save nature & you can too

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”—Robert Swan

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Restoring Voorheis-Beardsley

BHHC will transform a degraded site into a native prairie with walking path and birding observation overlook. The site can be viewed from I-75 by 60,000 motorists daily. A pollinator habitat with interpretive signage will enhance the visitor experience. We will work a educational programming with school children and adults, promoting native planting and ecosystem understanding.  

Project Funding Goal: $34,630

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Butterfly Preserve Viewpoint

BHHC will erect a sign at the entrance to the 26 acre preserve that protects habitat
for the critically endangered Poweshiek skipperling butterfly. The sign will thank the
donors, explain the preserve’s importance, and set usage guidelines. A scenic overlook
will be built at the crest for visitors and guided tours. Limited access parking will be
created. Naming rights for the overlook are available.

Project Funding Goal: $19,050

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Fund Development

BHHC started preserving sites long before it was realized that there was a continual need to remove threats to each property – invasive species, neighbor trespass, inappropriate use. We have tried to solve these issues with the help of volunteers, but a formal stewardship program is required, staffed by a Stewardship Coordinator. Tools and equipment need a home. Properties that have no dedicated funds need to be properly maintained. Records and documentation need to be consolidated. Staff needs to be up to date on the latest stewardship science. A reserve fund, as required by the LTA Accreditation Commission, would place BHHC in the top tier of conservancies.


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Signage Project

The locations of our preserved properties are not well known to the public. We need to update our map and install very visible signs that convey professionalism and identify the areas in which we are working. This is a large undertaking which can be broken down into prioritized steps regarding branding. 

Project Funding Goal: $19,500

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Shiawassee River


Collaboration with Holly Township can create an easement with walking trail along a half-mile section of the Shiawassee River. The conservancy gains a wildlife corridor and in return provides long-term maintenance. There are two grant funds which could cover some of the expenses, but additional private funding is needed to complete the project, since 3 pedestrian bridges are involved. Many other conservancies find that partnership like this with local municipalities leads to accomplishing goals.

Project Funding Goal: $96,000


Kimball Preserve Improvement

Kimball preserve is our premier property open to the public and closest to a populated
area. The preserve is threatened by invasive buckthorn which is difficult and expensive
to control. Intensifying the improvement of the property will lead to making it a show
place appreciated by the general public as well as experts in science and ecology.  

Project Funding Goal: $21,310

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Sashabaw CreekTrail

Converting a 40-acre parcel from an abandoned golf course to a high-quality natural area has been a success. Now we want to showcase it to the public and allow trail access. It is a multiyear project that will involve coordinated permissions, targeted donations and grant approvals. Donors can help create a safe, enjoyable nature preserve where people can relax and immerse themselves in nature only a short distance from busy I-75.

Project Funding Goal: $22,150

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Building an Endowment

This conservancy intends to increase its activity in its second 50 years of existence.
To move ahead, a financial reserve is a must. Establishing a fund in a local community
foundation gives accountability and transparency to donors. A fund could provide
collateral when funders request back up for loans. Distributed income from an
endowment would liberate the conservancy from constant fundraising.

Project Funding Goal: $13,920


Expanding Mission Resiliance

BHHC wants to improve its response to external and internal factors that affect its long-term resilience. Outdoor stewardship will adapt to climate change. Land acquisition will encompass a larger area and emphasize preserving corridors. Fundraising and outreach will explain the connection between land preservation and local, national, and planetary resilience. Making connections with local planning commissions and community organizations will be increasingly important. Showcasing
tangible progress involves all conservancy actions.

1550 acres preserved




Blue Heron Headwaters Public Preserves




Blue Heron Headwaters, 4 headwaters protected





Contact Us


Office Location

Blue Heron

Headwaters Conservancy

7150 Dixie Highway, Suite 1
Clarkston, MI  48346 

​Mailing Address/contact

PO. Box 285, Clarkston, MI 48347

Office: 248-795-2808


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About Us

Blue Heron Headwaters is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization  whose mission is to protect the land, water, and wildlife in the headwaters region of the Clinton, Shiawassee, Huron, and Flint rivers through preservation, stewardship, and education.

Our vision is to support biodiversity and the quality of life for our communities and the future generations of Oakland County and beyond.

Blue Heron Headwaters Conservancy is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization (tax identification number 23-7207644) ​under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

©2022 by Blue Heron Headwaters Conservancy.

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