Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.
You Make a Difference
We are thrilled that you're interested in getting involved with our work at Blue Heron Headwaters Conservancy! There are countless ways for you to help, and we truly appreciate every single effort. By lending your support, you'll become an integral part of our non-profit organization and help us to strengthen our operations, reach, and mission. Let's make a difference together!
When you fill out our volunteer form, we add you to our volunteer database. You will then be able to receive all of our volunteer opportunities as they become available, allowing you to sign-up for your preference of upcoming projects and field days.
If you would like to have your organization participate in a volunteer work day please either call us directly at 248.795.2808 or include your request/ideas in your message below so that we can make that happen. Together we do good things.
Examples of Volunteer Activities
Restoring protected property
We are looking for volunteers to aid in managing invasive plants and planting native flora such as flowers, grasses, bushes, and trees. You can sign alone or with your friends, family, or organization to participate in this outdoor activity. During spring, we remove garlic mustard to prevent it from taking over our forests and open spaces. Throughout the year we distribute seedballs, plant native plugs, bushes, and trees, maintain our demonstration gardens, and eliminate the next batch of invasive plants. No special skills are required.
We run on Volunteer Power
"Make a difference by joining us today! Whether you're an individual or an organization, your volunteer work can help power our cause. With a range of ongoing projects and opportunities, every contribution counts towards creating positive change. Let's work together to make a meaningful impact
Repair & maintenance of public spaces
We need people handy with tools to maintain trails, set signage posts or repair the occasional boardwalk. We will meet you on site with directions and materials.
Office work/home work
BHHC has tasks you can do at home or at our office. If you enjoy organizing or typing/copying or using your artistic skills, we have a project for you. All tasks contribute to our mission of preserving land and water in Northwest Oakland County.
Seed collection and distribution
Most seed collection is done in late summer and into fall, but a few patient people can help gather the seeds of early flowering plants at the beginning of summer. In 2020, BHHC joined Pollinator Partnership in training folks in native seed collection methods. Join us and become part of a national effort to increase habitat for pollinators. Birds, bees, butterflies and even mammals will thank you.
Property Inspector
If you love being out in nature, you might want to become a property inspector. We will train you on what to look for and how to record it. One of our experienced inspectors will go with you on your first inspection. Call the office to find out when the next training session takes place 248-795-2808. Property inspection is a family-friendly event.