Riparian design by J.Brueck
Native Lakescapes
We now recognize how our activities from living along a shoreline can affect the health of a shoreland ecosystem.
Lawns stretched to the shoreline remove habitat for native animals. Removal of native vegetation--from upland trees to underwater plants--destroys natural cover and water quality protection. The chronic use of fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides can contaminate the water and disrupt natural processes.
For more information on native lakescapes, please see the links below.
Specializes in: Natural Shorelines, Sustainable Riparian Buffers, Indigenous Plants and Grasses, Bio-engineering Practices, Creating Diverse Habitats, Design and Installation.
Contact: jim@nativelakescapes.com 248 736 3014 P.O.Box 271 Clarkston, MI 48346
ecoChic landscape design offers the professional services of a landscape consultant and certified arborist trained in landscape design and native garden plants.
Contact: Laura Zigmanth at design@ecochiclandscape.com or (248) 978-2300
Minnesota DNR website for good information, books and links for restoring your shoreline.
MSU - Shoreline Management
Restoring the Shore on Michigan Inland Lakes
Natural Community Services (NCS) conserves and restores biological function and beauty of metro Detroit, MI ecosystems, natural resources and green infrastructure.
Contact: info@naturalcommunityservices.com 248-513-1909